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collection_iconThe Dust Collection

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$ 0
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Desert Eagle | Blaze

O Desert Eagle | Blaze

Czas przeładowania2.2 sek
Uszkodzenie ciała77 / 72
Uszkodzenie głowy249 / 232
Nagroda za zabicie$ 300 / $ 150
Pojemność magazynka7 / 35
Cena w grze$ 700
Zakres dokładności25 m
Szybkostrzelność267 strzały/min
Szybkość biegu230

Skin history

Desert Eagle | Blaze appeared in the CS:GO shooter on August 14, 2013. It's one of nine skins of The Dust Collection that was added to the shooter in “The Arms Deal” update.

Pattern features

Most of the handgun’s surface is covered with black paint. The half of the slide, closer to the front sight, has a yellow flame pattern with a red outline. Minor fire prints can also be seen in other areas of the surface.

Effect of the pattern index

The pattern index affects the character of the flame’s appearance. There are no valuable and rare versions of the pattern.

Effect of float

Float Value of Desert Eagle | Blaze can vary between 0.00 and 0.08 – because of that, the item is obtainable only in “Factory New” and “Minimal Wear” exterior qualities. Due to the narrow range of possible float values, wear doesn’t affect the weapon’s appearance much: signs of wear mostly appear between the hammer and the trigger.

Rarity and popularity

Desert Eagle | Blaze is categorized as the “Restricted” rarity item and doesn’t have souvenir variants or variants with the StatTrak kill counter. The skin is popular among CS:GO players.


Klasa przedmiotu


Spoza obiegu

Limity zużycia

collection_iconThe Dust Collection

Cena minimalna

$ 0
Podobne przedmioty

Błąd ładowania

Coś poszło nie tak. Kliknij „Odśwież”, aby ponownie załadować listę.

Desert Eagle | Blaze

O przedmiocie

O Desert Eagle | Blaze